Why Nike+? My top 4 Reasons.

I use Nike+. I'm a HUGE advocate of Nike+. (And no, not just because I was an Ambassador for their Nike+ Human Race!)

Here my top 4 Reasons why I'm a HUGE advocate:
  1. Motivation - The little Nike+ device is a huge motivation. Just having my SportBand on makes me want to be better! 
  2. Community - Just like "It's Where I Run" and many other sites intend to build a following or a community, Nike+ does so as well. And they are very good at it! Once you are a Nike+ user you can join Challenges (like the ones I've created) and "Trash Talk." It builds your character (as long as your "trash talk" is all in good, competitive fun) and builds the online Nike+ community. You belong. 
  3. Goals - Nike+ gives you a way and a reason to make and achieve goals. You can decide whatever goal you want to achieve and then create a Challenge to work towards/achieve that goal. You'll never want to give up! 
  4. Passion - Nike has Passion. We can see it through Nike+. I believe that if you have Passion anything is possible. When I find something like Nike+ that gives me more passion, I adopt it! It's as simple as that!

If you are not already a part of the Nike+ Running community, here is how you can be:
  1. Join Nike+
  2. Get the Gear
  3. Sync Your First Run

  1. Get Yourself Some Nike+ Friends (My Nike+ Username is: SarahKayHoffman OR jewi0008@yahoo.com - feel free to add me!)
  2. Create a Challenge
  3. "Hire" a Nike+ Coach 
  4. Discuss Nike+ via Forums

Questions, comments, etc? Leave a comment! Happy Running Today!
1 Response
  1. Rick Heath Says:

    Sarah, you are right in all you say. If you are passionate enough, you can do it! My life will never be the same!